Please note that with the new learning platform, we are now updating accreditations on a weekly basis. Thank you!
Accelerate Your Success
Welcome to the Partner Success Hub.

The Partner Success Hub provides centralized access to relevant self-paced training and service development resources

Select partners can log in using their Autodesk account.
Need access? Email us at
All your customer success and services content in one location
The Partner Success Hub offers centralized access to relevant Accelerators, data sets, implementation guides, and other resources your team can use to develop your services offerings.
Earn Accreditation to take your services to the next level
Accreditation is the opportunity for partner staff to be recognized individually and at a partner company level for their skills in customer success and service delivery.
Exclusive self-paced partner services toolbox training
The Partner Success Hub offers centralized access to relevant Accelerators, data sets, implementation guides, and other resources your team can use to develop your services offerings.